Archive formats
supported for extraction
PeaZip provides read support - open, browse, decompress / extract -
for over 200
types of archives, compressed files, or containers, including: 7z, apk, bz2, gz, tar,
zip, zipx, arj, cab,
chm, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar,
rpm, z, iso,
Java (jar, ear,
war), xpi, wim, u3p,
lzma, udf, dmg, swm, Open Office /
Libre Office (ods, ots, odm,
oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott), Microsoft
Office (doc, dot, xls,
xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx), Flash (swf, flv), quad,
balz, bcm, zpaq,
paq*, lpaq*, ace, arc, pea and
PeaZip can extract RAR files free (even
new RAR5 standard), out of the box, without requiring installation of
additional packages or pulg-ins.
ZIPX files are read/write supported by PeaZip archiver utility, but
when extracting a ZIPX archive
please remember it may contain filest compressed with newer (or even
proprietary) algorithms not yet supported by PeaZip, as ZIPX standard
is subject to constant development from WinZip company.
Extract all archives in
If a folder
of archives is selected for extraction procedure, the
application will
it (recursively, including sub-folders) for detecting archive files of
supported types, to be listed for batch extraction in a single pass.
All archive files contained in the selected folder will consequently be
added to the extraction list layout.
How to extract one or
more archives
To extract the entire content of a
single or multiple
archives at once, even of various types:
from the
system's file
one or more archive files and
use context menu entry "Extract..."
to display full
extraction screen GUI, which allows to set
output path, password, and other options explained below, for the
archive or the group of archives
one or more archives and use context
menu extraction
entry Extract here, Extract here (smart) or Extract
here (to new folder) for directly extract archive(s) with no
confirmation to current directory - "Extract here (smart)" uses "Smart
new folder"
parameter, which automatically decide if a new root folder is needed.
PeaZip main application
an archive, or a group of archives, Extract
button shows full featured
extraction screen providing access to all options (password, set output
path, open output path after extraction, keep or delete original
archives, etc)
- On the right of Extract button, the dropdown
context menu shows Extract all to... (asks
only for output path), Extract here, and direct extraction to relevant
folders - desktop, documents, favorites...

in Options > Settings > Archive manager page, Extraction group it
is possible to set how file extraction works internally, flagging or
unflagging the option "Interactive
extraction, extract then move to destination".

Extract to temporary
folder and then move to destination (option)
When extract then move to destination
option is on (extraction tab), archive extraction is a two-step
process extracting content to the temporary work path (which can be set
from Options Settings > General page) then moving extracted content
to intended output destination, interactively asking to user to
overwrite existing files if needed.
When interactive extraction option is off, the extraction is performed
directly toward output destination, and naming conflict policy
automatically resolves issues with existing files without needing
user's feedback - for this reason, it is recommended for batch tasks,
and this mode of operation is automatically applied whenever an extraction task is exported as console
script, from Console tab.
Archive extraction
In the top part of the application window, PeaZip provides a file
explorer control showing the list of input archive files (single one or
multiple) queued to be
unpacked (extraction layout):
rightclick on it for context menu to further
edit the list, and for showing
other input-related options.
To extract and merge spanned (split) archive
files it is needed to save all the parts
(usually .001, .002, etc) in the same
directory, and to send the first part to extraction (usually with
extension .001, .R01, Z01...).
The entire content of the archive(s) queued for extraction will be
saved to output path.

area context menu features entries to add files & folders to
extraction list, drag to application from
search results,
open bookmarked & recently visited paths, add bookmarked and
recently used
files, load and save layout, and more...
Same menu is replicated
clickingon the hamburger icon in the top right
corner of the application's window.
Advanced extraction options
Above input layout area, below application's main menu, it is featured
the extraction tab bar.
Advanced tab provides more features - as attempt extraction of
extensions, extract to relative, absolute or full paths (including
drive letter).
Script and schedule
extraction of archives
Console and Schedule
tabs can fine tune task definition beyond GUI capabilities, and save /
schedule the task
in the form of command line script,
i.e. for syntax learning purpose, or for later unattended use as batch
Set output path
for extraction
In the bottom area of the form is featured Output group, that allows to
select extraction directory (default: current folder); on the left of
the address box, the arrow
button popup a navigation menu similar to the one featured in file
manager, to speed up the selection of most frequently used paths.

the right of Output field it is featured Enter password / keyfile
button (padlock icon) to set the decryption password, if needed for extraction of
encrypted archives.


Dropdown option menus features
options for 7z / p7zip backend, that is used to support most common
Skip or overwrite existing
files on extraction
- Policy for handling naming conflicts
- Skip existing files
assure files on disk will not be affected, conflicting objects will not
be extracted from the archive (default)
- Auto rename
extracted files assign a new unique
name to objects being extracted from the archive each time a naming
conflict is encountered; that policy assures that pre-existing objects
on disk
will keep their original names
- Auto rename
existing files extracted
objects get the desired name, conflicting pre-existing objects are
with a new unique name
- Overwrite existing
files make all conflicting pre-existing
objects overwritten by extracted objects
- Ask before
overwriting (in console): no defined
policy, the console will be shown alongside graphic process launcher
allowing the user to decide interactively if overwriting or skipping
- Actions performed by the extraction
routine: "Extract", default, extracts archived objects with paths,
replicating the directory structure of the input data, "Extract
(without path)" decompress files to a flat structure, and “List” or
Extraction options
Checkboxes can set following
- Delete archives
after extraction removes original archives after
extraction proces, if checked shows deletion options: move to recycle
bin, quick delete (files are deleted without
being moved to recycle bin), zero delete (data overwritten by 0s),
secure delete (multi-pass overwriting of
- Extract in new folder
triggers extraction to a
fresh new folder, avoiding possible naming conflicts
- Extract to
path perform
extraction of each archive in its original input path
- Open output path
when task completes automatically open the output
directory where the archive was extracted to
- Smart new folder
prevents multiple unexpected items being extracted to destination
("tarbomb"-like effect): automatically extracts to new folder, if the
new folder contains
a single object (file or directory) content is copied outside and the
extra folder is removed (removing extra folder layer and preserving
original names of archived folders), if copying the content outside the
new folder fails, the content is kept in the new folder
The status bar contains, on the left, information of free space on
current output disk, and input size, and on the right OK and Cancel
Cancelling an operation also means discarding changes in option
switches, while confirming with OK saves changes.
Learn more about how to use PeaZip archive manager utility to extract 7Z files, decompress Brotli files, decompress BZ2 files, decompress GZ files, extract PAQ, LPAQ, ZPAQ
archives, extract TAR files (and
compressed TAR formats, such as TBZ, TGZ, TXZ...), extract WIM files as they were
"traditional" archives, extract ZIP
Synopsis: How to
extract a single archive or multiple archives of mixed formats at once
with PeaZip. Batch
extraction options. Single pass, serial extraction of 7Z RAR TAR ZIP
files. Recursive extraction of folders of archives (batch extract all archives in selected /
current directory).
Topics: extract 7z rar
tar zip archives, extract multiple archives at once, extract here,
extract to new folder
PeaZip > FAQ
> Extract multiple 7Z RAR TAR ZIP files at once