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PeaZip 10.3.0 improves managing TAR format, handling archives containing errors, displaying task progress, and saving reports.
Themes are updated and the new Style submenu allows to quickly customize the look&feel of app's file/archive manager.
Linux packages facilitate the context menu integration in Gnome and KDE, and improves out-of-the-box experience for the Qt6 version.

Sources are compiled with Lazarus 3.6, and are still compatible with Lazarus 2.x line.

Added support for VmWare and Minecraft container file types.
A total of 242 file extensions can now be opened as archives by PeaZip.

Translations are available in over than 30 languages, any help is welcome to translate PeaZip to new languages and to maintain current localizations up to date, so please consider taking the time to give a look to translations repository for newer language files and for any resource useful for translators.

SHA256 hash of packages

Hash values of each package are now published in the SHA256.txt file in each release on GitHub.
You can check hash values of current release in SHA256.txt 10.3.0.

PeaZip 10 change log (current version)

2024 10 26 .. CURRENT

2025 02 22
Pea 1.23

project_pea and project_peach updated to optimization and debugging project-level options recommended for Lazarus 3.x line
Optimized app startup reducing 25% time and 20% memory usage
Various fixes

Auto browse TAR inside compressed TAR archives now can be limited to max size (100 MB, 1 GB, 10 GB, Always) in order to avoid automatic time consuming operation
Can now save list of files/search results as csv (with , and ; separator), tsv, and txt
Improved "Analyze content of folders" function, now reporting content size in separate column to allow sorting for smallest/largest folder
Improved handling archives with errors, or containing extra data, i.e. container formats which are variants of archive formats
With Options > Settings > Archive manager, "Browse non-canonical archive types" option flagged (default) the app will always try to open for browsing such archives
Unflagging this option stops the app from browsing archives if errors are detected, which may be more safe, but is less flexible in terms of handling/recovering data
More cases of warnings and errors are recognized and shown (warning icon in the navigation bar) for file formats supported through the 7z/p7zip backend
Smart new folder toggle is now reachable also from quick extraction dropdown menu
Style submenu in "..." style menu allows to quickly change app's file manager GUI applying multiple customizations at once to fit one of the pre-set styles: Minimal, Classic, Modern, and Postmodern
Updated Themes to customize more items (menu dropdown, breadcrumb separator, settings icon), legacy themes are still supported
New Tux-Alt theme for alternative look&feel on Linux systems
(Windows) Improved rendering of exe files' icons

Improved displaying information in the task progress window and in the archive creation / extraction screen title
Improved managing non-ASCII characters in passwords
Added warning to prevent creation of archives using non-ASCII characters if not supported by the format (or otherwise not supported due to technical limitations)
Fixed Windows drag and drop extraction not correctly communicating non-ASCII characters in passwords through pipe
When directly sending items to compression without confirmation, file spanning (if set) is automatically disabled for the current operation
Added support for VmWare .ova files, and Minecraft archive file types .mcaddon, .mcmeta, .mcpack, .mcproject, .mcstructure, .mctemplate, .mcworld (242 file extensions supported)

(Linux) Qt6 installable packages updated to create needed links to out of the box
(Linux) Updated information for context menu integration for Gnome and KDE in (peazip)/res/share/batch/freedesktop_integration
sh scripts to automate context menu integration now available in KDE-servicemenus and Nautilus-scripts subfolders

2025 01 01
7z 24.09, with new dictionary size defaults for LZMA/LZMA2
Pea 1.22 introducing hybrid KDF to further increase the resilience of the KDF stage of triple cascaded encryption, requiring multiple unrelated optimizations to mount an hardware accelerated attack on the KDF

Fixes, updated documentation

Archives of suitable types (RAR, ZIP, ZIPX) are automatically tested for comment when opened, if archive comment is found, "COMMENT" note is displayed in the status bar
Move the mouse over the "COMMENT" note to display the comment as hint
Click the "COMMENT" note to open the comment editing screen
Alt+M keyboard shortcut is always available as usual to directly open the comment editing screen for one or multiple archives at once
Improved detection of issues in archives, for archive types browsed with 7z/p7zip frontend
If warnings are issued a warning icon is displayed in the address bar for better visibility, alongside the classic textual warning message in the status bar of previous versions
If further details are available, they will be visible clicking the warning icon in the address bar or the textual warning message in the status bar
Improved keyboard shortcuts
Updated app icon to unify look & feel on all supported platforms
Updated Tux theme to improve aspect with dark mode / dark themes

Brotli -q 11 and Zstd --ultra -22 compression levels enabled in the GUI
It is now possible to manually delte input files / folders at the end of tasks, from Options tab in the task progress window, i.e. to directly delete a faulty archive failing the test procedure
The progress window's icon now matches the format chosen for compression

(Linux) Qt6 packages supersedes the old Qt5 packages
(Linux) GTK3-alpha package is now available for test purpose only (Lazarus support for GTK3 is in alpha state), see Lazarus Widgetset wiki for more information
(Linux) Flatpak package is now built for Wayland, with fallback X11 option, and compiled for the Qt6 widgetset
(macOS) "macOS service menus" entry in the package is now a link pointing to the folder with same name within the installed package, in this way running "xattr -dr /Applications/" applies the correct attributes to the scripts, which can be correctly installed on macOS 15 and following

2024 11 12
Pea 1.21, introduced scrypt KDF as default option to improve resilience to password guessing attacks (increasing memory cost per instance) over PBKDF2 implemented in previous versions
scrypt is now the default KDF for all cascaded encryption modes, it can be set to use from 64 MB (default) up to 1 GB memory, r set to 8, paralelism 1 to 8 (plus, the KDF is repeated for each of the tree layers of the cascaded encryption)

Fixed "Ask before overwriting (in console)" extraction option, now correctly sets the app in console mode superseding other options
Fixed directory copy/move on Unix-like systems
(Windows) Fixed drag and drop bug preventing extraction towards some file managers and third party apps, now more file managers are tested for compatibility
(Windows) Fixed drag and drop bug failing extraction at first try on some instances

GUI update
Breadcrumb improvements
Highlighting of temporary paths in the breadcrumb bar is now consistent with Theme colors
New Theme option to optionally underline and highlight address breadcrumb
Navigation bar improvements
Compact side bar mode is now integrated with other navigation bar modes (navigation, treeview, and none, which can be toggled with Alt+4)
It is now possible to internally drag and drop extract items to the navigation bar even whent it is set to Compact mode
Navigation bar width is now automatically adapted to the zoom level of the app
File browser's column header menu is now more easily accessible from the top entry in the navigation menu
Updated Themes and icons to improve appearance on dark mode / dark themes using alpha transparency
Use of alpha transparency is fully supported (but not mandatory) when designing Themes' icons, which are PGN images

Updated compression pre-sets

2024 10 26
Pea 1.20, can now search hash values of files on Google and Virustotal for detecting known malware, new command line switches to show text preview of files, and to directly save checksum/hash results in GNU Coreutils -compatible formats
7z 24.08

(macOS) New macOS .icns icons to customize the app are now available in (peazip)/res/share/icons folder
(macOS) Updated Automator scripts for macOS context menu integration, fixed empty error message after script execution
(Windows) Improved Windows native drag and drop implementation (please note current implementation still allows a single drag and drop instance globally)
Attempts to launch multiple drag and drop instances, from single or multiple instance of the application, are now effectively stopped without issues for the running drag and drop indtance
This limitation can be avoided using internal drag and drop extraction (which is cross-platform) or unchecking "Use native drag and drop" in options to switch to an alternative custom drag and drop implementation
Legacy code cleanup
Sorted tab order of UI items
Various fixes

(Linux) Added MTP devices folder (Media Transfer Protocol) in Filesystem section of navigation sidebar, to make easier to access to mounted devices, i.e. Android phones / tablets
(Windows) New System settings items, specific for Windows 10 and more recent systems Settings app, are now featured in app context menu, File manager > System tools for W10+ systems
Expanded File tools section in file browser context menu, archive/extract context menu, and in Test menu in tool bar; it is now possible to
Save hash values in GNU Coreutils compatible format
Search SHA256 hash values on Google and VirusTotal
Display Text preview of file (attempts to parse file as utf8 text, displays linle numbers, text strings and line mumbers can be sorted alphabetically)
Revamped GUI
Hints and tooltips can now be turned on/off from Options > Settings, General tab
Icons used more sparingly to avoid information repetition and overload
Updated progress screen
Activity graph moved to the button bar, in order to be visible from all tabs
Global progress bar now correctly take in account different input sizes (archiving, conversion tasks)
Updated GUI rendering engine to be more flexible and memory efficient (up to 30% depending on the icon mode)
7 sizes are now available: Small, Medium, Large, Large +, and Large ++
For details and list modes 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72, and 96px
For icons mode 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 144, and 192px
Show thumbnails (filesystem only) is automatically set for any icon sized 48px or more, and can be turned on/off for any size from main menu, Organize
(Windows) exe icons are now scaled to fit the file browser size
All file browser styles and sizes are now supported on Linux / BSD
Special folders icons are now displayed for all modes and sizes
Updated Style menu
Shows compact side bar moved to main menu, Organize
It is now possible to change breadcrumb style from Style menu (text only, Windows/KDE, Gnome, macOS -style)
It is now possible to toggle file browser icons size from Style menu (new keybowrd shortcut Alt+7)
Updated Themes and embedded icons
Mac, Main, Ten, and Tux themes updated, new theme format does not longer need 48px icons
Updated context menu
Added menu item to explore Trash folder, in context menu, File browser submenu
Moved items: ZIP filename encoding is now in More submenu, File tools is now in the root of the menu, Image manager is now in File manager submenu

From Options > Settings, Advanced tab it is possible to set "7z / p7zip syntax level" back to 17.05 and 16.02 releases, to improve compatibility with the syntaxt of legacy 7z / p7zip versions
Improved quick "Extract here" link in the toolbar is now also shown when one or more archives are selected in the file browser
Updated compression presets
Added tar.gz, tar.xz, and tar.zst presets
Revoved some less frequently used presets, which are still available in (peazip)/res/share/presets/alt subfolder

Previous versions' change log

PeaZip 9
2022 12 18 .. 2024 08 18

PeaZip 7
2019 12 01 .. 2021 04 19
PeaZip 5
2013 06 23 .. 2016 01 01

PeaZip 3
2010 02 10 .. 2011 08 27

PeaZip 1
2006 11 06 .. 2008 03 15

PeaZip 8
2021 06 10 .. 2022 10 09

PeaZip 6
2016 02 27 .. 2019 09 01

PeaZip 4
2011 09 19 .. 2013 04 24

PeaZip 2
2008 03 21 .. 2010 01 26

Pea-Peach (PeaZip 0)
2006 09 16 .. 2006 10 02

Synopsis: PeaZip project development change log. Hash of current version's published packages. Bug fixes, implementatio of new software's features, release notes, history of previos version's change logs.

Topics: release notes, hash of packages, change log, history of changes

PeaZip > Change log | Fixes, new features, release notes





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