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peazip archive manager for linux

PeaZip for Linux x86_64 10.3.0
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Free archive manager application for Linux amd64

Open Source WinRar, Winzip alternative utility

Free 7Z BR RAR TAR ZST ZIP archive manager software*

Software license: LGPL3, free of charge for any use

Supported systems: any GNU/Linux x86_64, ia-32 libs required for some binaries
peazip flatpak x86_64Flatpak Qt6
FlatHub's Flatpak package for aarch64 and x86_64

linux winrar alternativeDEB Qt6  linux winzip alternativeDEB GTK2

For Debian, Kali Linux, Mint, Ubuntu...

open source winrar alternativeRPM Qt6  open source winzip alternativeRPM GTK2
For CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat, Suse...

open source archive managerPortable Qt6  freeware archive managerPortable GTK2
For any Linux distribution. Does not require installation, simply de-compress and start the application clicking on peazip binary.

Alternative downloads for Linux
Build from sources, distribution-specific packages
Check 10.3.0 packages hash values

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, SourceForge
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Linux archive manager, Open Source WinRar WinZip alternative app

What is PeaZip for Linux

PeaZip is an Open Source (LGPLv3) cross platform archive manager software, providing strong file encryption and compression functions, which open and extract over 200 archive types including mainstream formats like 7Z / XZ / TXZ, ACE (*), BZ2 / TBZ, Brotli BR, GZ / TGZ, ISO, RAR, TAR, WIM, ZIP, ZIPX, ZPAQ, Zstandard ZST and more.

Open Source alternative to WinRar, WinZip and similar propietary utilities on GNU/Linux systems, PeaZip provides high compression ratio (compress to 7Z, ARC, PAQ formats), supports encryption / decryption of several archive types, supporting multiple encryption standards (AES, Serpent, Twofish, Blowfish), optionally open and extract proprietary formats (unace, unrar), provides a full featured file manager with same look and feel on different desktop environments (such as Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, KDE, XFCE), secure delete function (permanent, non recoverable data erasure), compute file hash and checksum to find duplicate content and verify data integrity, split and join files, and export task defined in the GUI as command line scripts.

(*) Extraction of ACE archives requires separate unace plugin (closed source) available on PeaZip add-ons page.
RAR files extraction (including new RAR5 archives) is natively supported through 7z / p7zip Open Source unrar implementation
Compression to ACE and RAR archives is not supported due the closed nature of the formats, and to use alternative Free Software archive formats is actively recommended.

PeaZip on Wayland

Recent releases of PeaZip should work correctly on recent Wayland versions.

open source winrar alternative

PeaZip running on Linux, light mode; see dark mode screenshot here, also see Themes page to see alternative themes blending with Linux desktop enviroments look&feel.

PeaZip for LINUX X86_64 (AMD64) download notes

See complete change log and release notes for list of updates and new features of PeaZip for Linux.
PeaZip x86_64 (amd64) is a native build for Linux x86 64 bit and does not require ia-32 libraries to be installed in order to work, but please note some 32 bit-only backend binaries may still require ia-32 libs or may have other specific dependencies, see optional formats dependencies list.
PeaZip is fully modular, so each backend can be removed without problem, to be replaced with i.e. a recompiled binary, or a newer version - until the same syntax is honored.
32 bit packages found on the GNU/Linux x86 download page can be installed on x86_64 systems if ia-32 libs are present.

Alternative downloads for Linux

  • Build from sources
    • compile PeaZip source package (LGPLv3, written for Lazarus/FPC) available both as plain ZIP archive and as Git repository
    • build DEB, RPM, and other types of packages following examples in "PeaZip packages examples" package
  • Search pre-built packages for Linux distributions, BSD and other systems, on pkgs.orglinux software distributions and Repologylinux software packages

PeaZip archive manager for Linux pre-built packages are targeted to a generic Linux machine, and are not built for a specific distribution or version.
So, it is preferable building from sources or, whenever it is possible, it is recommended to install a distribution / version specific package from the official repositories of your Linux distribution rather than the generic binary packages here provided on PeaZip domain.
If a distribution / version specific build of PeaZip is not available for your Linux system, it is a very welcome help to PeaZip project if you request to add it, contacting the maintainers of your repositories.

PeaZip for Linux installation instructions

Pre-built PeaZip for Linux packages

PeaZip Portable package (TAR.GZ format) is built to be as self-contained as possbile and can be used on any distribution, regardless the software package manager, it can be simply extracted and launched starting peazip executable.

Starting "peazip" binary in console provides more feedback in case of problems running the application, i.e. missing dependencies.

DEB packages are supported by Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, and similar distributions.

RPM packages are for Fedora, CentOS, Suse and similar distributions. Due RPM dependencies checking, the base package does not contain some of the backend executable that can raise incompatibilities with some systems, which can be installed separately from Additional Formats Plugin for Linux.

If your GUI package manager is not able to install local DEB or RPM packages, you can manually install PeaZip from the console with commands like:
sudo dpkg -i (peazip deb package full name)
sudo apt install (peazip deb package full name)
sudo rpm -i (peazip rpm package full name)

Flatpak packages for x86_64 and aarch64 are built on Flathub's GitHubflatpack peazip package
Flatpak format installs the app in a sandboxed environment taking care to add all needed dependencies, this means the total size required may exceed the actual size of the app, and that some DE settings may not be applied to the app which is run in the Flatpak sandbox.
If experiencing issues specific to the Flatpak format, it is recommended to refer to documentation and troubleshooting on Flatpak.orgcross-distro file archiver

Note for Flatpak packages
Binaries in Flatpak package are built on the fly on Flathub servers, so they may not be identical to ones provided in manually built packages (DEB, RPM, Portable...) and can fail the internal hash based verification - Main menu, Tools, Verify hash of binaries.
This generally does not mean any issue with the Flatpak package.

Compile PeaZip for Linux from sources

To compile PeaZip targeting other widget sets please read Sources page.

Supported widgetsets

Lazarus IDE supports many different widgetsets, in various stage of development/supprt, please refer to Widgetsets Wiki pagepeazip for gtk and qt widgetsets for more information.

GTK2 packages may require to install some components of gtk/gdk libraries, as i.e. libgdk_pixbuf, or (missing in out-of-the box recent Debian distributions), see full list of dependencies for running GTK2 packages.
On some Qt-based DE the GTK version of PeaZip may not correctly receive theming information, including system colors, preventing in example to automatically apply the dark theme.
GTK2 Widgetset Wiki pagepeazip gtk2

GTK3 widget set is currently in alpha support in Lazarus/FPC. While PeaZip for GTK3 can be successfully compiled, built, and it will successfully run, there are currently many issues with graphic and fonts which needs be addressed by the IDE before this package can be considered ready  to be released for general usage - anyway it is possible for anyone to successfully compile PeaZip from sources for GTK3 widget set.
GTK3 Widgetset Wiki pagepeazip gtk3

Qt6 packages provides which may be required on some machines to run the Qt version of PeaZip.
The binary, or equivalent to, must be installed in /usr/local/lib or equivalent directory, such as /usr/lib.
You can get up to date using distribution-specific tools, i.e. apt-get install package:architecture, or copying the file manually and running ldconfig. See full list of dependencies for running Qt packages.
On some GTK-based DE the Qt version of PeaZip may not correctly receive theming information, including system colors, preventing in example to automatically apply the dark theme; in this case utilities like qt6ct can help configuring Qt-specific theming.
Qt6 Widgetset Wiki pagepeazip qt6

Integrate PeaZip on Linux desktop environments

folder, inside PeaZip archive manager directory (peazip)/res/share/batch, provides sample scripts and .desktop files to manually customize integration (file associations, compression/archiving and extraction context menu entries, program's icons) of both Portable and installable packages on Linux platform, targeting various Desktop Environments such as Gnome and derivates (Cinnamon, Mate), KDE, XFCE.

linux winrar alternative

Example of PeaZip context menu integration on Linux

Regardless the package fromat downloaded, and regardless the widget set PeaZip is compiled for, the application is meant to be desktop neutral, and run with same look & feel on on different desktop environments, being currently tested on Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, KDE, and XFCE.

An utter alternative (which can also be used for 7-Zip) can be running one of PeaZip Windows packages through Wine - as for other Windows file compression utilities like Winrar or WinZip, but with the advantage of replacing proprietary software with an Open Source alternative app.

Structure of PeaZip for Linux packages:

The minimum common structure of  installable package for PeaZip needs to contain:

/usr/lib/peazip/peazip main application's binary
/usr/lib/peazip/pea binary, contains routines for PEA format, encryption, hashing etc
/usr/lib/peazip/res directory, contain application's resources
/usr/lib/peazip/res/bin directory contains binary, architecture-dependent resources (binaries of p7zip, brotli, paq, zstandatd, etc)
/usr/lib/peazip/res/share shortcut points to /usr/share/peazip directory, containing non architecture-dependent resources (texts, graphics)
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/peazip (if OpenDesktop configuration folder variable is not set it is used $HOME/.config/peazip) directory containing user-specific configuration files

PeaZip Portable packages contains all needed files into application's directory, here called (peazip), which ca be saved anywhere the user prefers.
Portable packages needs (peazip)/res/portable, an empty file to tell the app to run as Portable version.
(peazip)/res/bin contains architecture-dependent binary files.
res/share shortcut which in installable versions points to non-binary resources in /usr/share/peazip is replaced in Portable packages by an actual directory named (peazip)/res/share which contains the non-architecture dependant content.
Being largely independent from underlying system, it can be used as is on different OS, unless the package maintainer whishes to add or remove OS specific features (i.e. reg scripts on Windows machines).
Portable versions saves user configuration in (peazip)/res/conf directory.

Synopsis: Download page of PeaZip for Linux x86_64 / amd64. Cross platform Free Software archive manager application. Open Source WinRar WinZip alternative for Linux systems. Desktop neutral archive manager. Download PeaZip DEB, flatpak, RPM, portable packages. GTK and Qt PeaZip builds.

Topics: PeaZip archive manager for Linux x86_64 deb, flatpak, and rpm packages download

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