Download and install
a PeaZip plugin
1) Download the desired
plugin for PeaZip
UNACE plugin
for Windows and Linux
UNRAR5 plugin
for Windows and Linux
Additional Formats Plugin for Windows and Linux
2) Open the plugin file, which is a TAR archive
The plugin TAR archive can be opened with
PeaZip itself, or using any other suitable archive manager utility.
3) Extract the directories provided by the plugin in PeaZip's binaries
folder (peazip)/res/bin/
This will add to the application the needed executables
to manage the desired archive format(s) - please note some operating
systems may require to manually set files as executables.
For PeaZip installable versions the binaries folder,
where the plugin directories must be copied, usually is located in
/usr/lib/peazip/res/bin/ (Linux)
/Applications/ (macOS)
C:\Program Files\PeaZip\res\bin\ (Windows)
HINT: From PeaZip main
menu > Help > About and from Settings > About, it is possible
to directly open the plugin folder and to check installed plugin
UNACE Plugin handles
browsing and extraction of WinAce's ACE
file format and
it is needed to open ACE files in
This package is meant to provide free ACE files support as
separate plugin since UNACE is released by
WinAce as royalty free, but closed source, freeware binaries, unacev2.dll version on Windows systems and corresponding ELF version
on Linux systems; UNACE for Linux is a 32 bit executable, so on 64
systems it requires ia32-libs
to extract ACE files.

WARNING: UNACE code is abandoned
since 2006, and on Windows platforms unacev2.dll is known suffering
critical security issues (e.g. CheckPoint,
2019 02 20).
Out of the box,
PeaZip does not come with unacev2.dll (which requires
separate manual download and installation from user) so it is immune to
said vulnerabilities: UNACE plugin is provided as separate download, so
it can
be safely installed/uninstalled/removed separately from PeaZip without
altering program's functionalities except for ACE files support.
No version of
PeaZip will attempt to
automatically download or install UNACE plugin, nor will use UNACE
plugin (even if installed) to open ace files disguised for other formats.
At current state, it
is NOT RECOMMENDED to install and use UNACE plugin for Windows,
if you have UNACE for Windows package installed it is recommended to
uninstall it (or to manually delete unacev2.dll from
directory); in Help > About screen it is featured a button for quick
removal of UNACE plugin.
The Windows UNACE packages are here provided for legacy support only,
with the recommendation to not work with untrusted ACE archives from
untrusted sources; trusted legacy
archives should be converted as soon
as possible to better supported formats in order to remove dependency
from the unmanaged closed source code.
On Windows and Linux
systems recent PeaZip versions use by default the
7-Zip / p7zip 15.06 (or more recent) unrar
implementation, which is capable of reading (browsing, extracting) RAR5
format natively, so it is no longer
needed to
separately install this plugin - which it is still provided only
as an
alternative rar / rar5 files extraction engine.
UNRAR5 Plugin is meant to open RAR files built with most
recent RARv5 file
format specifications.
RarLab's unrar is royalty-free, and sources are available, but due to
unrar licensing
restriction (licensing
terms of source code prohibits making a tool that can create
RAR-compatible archives) it is widely regarded by Open
Source community to not be OSI-compliant - and consequently needs to be
deployed as separate add-on for PeaZip project.
Additional Formats Plugin
v6 contains binaries needed to work with additional formats
supported by PeaZip: LPAQ1, LPAQ5, PAQ8F, PAQ8JD, PAQ8L (part of PAQ compression utilities
family), QUAD and BALZ
(browsing and
extraction), strip and UPX (executables compression).
Content of this plugin can be simply extracted into PeaZip or PeaZip
Portable path, into /res/bin
It is also possible to selectively extract only the directories
containing binaries to support desired formats.
Windows package
contains both 64 bit executables (for most systems) and 32
bit executables (for legacy systems), in separate folders.
Linux package contains also ARC, LPAQ8, PAQ8O, BCM, and ZPAQ,
as those binaries were removed by some packages in order to reduce the
dependencies for installation of the base PeaZip application.
Please note this
provides some x86 32 bit executable software, Linux
x86 64 bit
systems needs ia32-libs to run
32 bit binaries.
Project page of PeaExtractor, free unrar/unzip utility, a simple wizard
based archive extractor meant to keep the decompression process as
simple and streamlined as possible for novice users without prior
knowledge about working on compressed files.
Project page of PeaUtils, free file management utilities suite, a
simple GUI for checksum, hasing, file split & join, secure deletion
and other tools for novice users without prior knowledge about such
Microsoft Windows system
utility, enable God Mode folder (also known as "All tasks" or "Master
Panel") displaying all
management tools in a single place. Installable and portable. For Vista
and more recent systems.
Lazarus/FPC sources to build dragdropfilesdll, a DLL meant to easily
drag and drop files & folders from application to Windows system
and other applications which implements drag and drop. It works either
using already existing files as source, or waiting files for being
Examples of use of the dll can be seen in PeaZip sources.
This little utility is meant to help developers to get the class name
of an
object and all of its parents: drag the cursor from the application's
StringGrid to the target object in any third parts application to get
the full class "path" of the object. The package contains compiled
MS Windows binary and
sources (Lazarus/FPC).
Various icons, logo, images, wallpapers are available
in PeaZip resources
SFX modules are used by 7z and FreeArc backends to
create self
extracting archives.
To use third parts
SFX modules extract and copy the modules into "\res\7z" or
"\res\arc" folder (depending if the target of the module is 7z or
FreeArc) in PeaZip's path and rename them as existing SFX modules, ie.
for 7z use 7z.sfx
(conventionally, sfx module with GUI) or 7zCon.sfx (conventionally, sfx
module with console interface).
Before that you may want to preserve a
copy of original PeaZip's sfx modules copying them into another
directory of your choice.
compatible SFX modules
SFX modules are available from Igor Pavlov's LZMA
SDK repository.
Synopsis: unace unrar /
plugin for PeaZip, portable add-on packages, additional sfx modules and
other resources
Topics: optional plugin for
PeaZip, unace, unrar
PeaZip > Downloads >