Archive formats
supported for creation
PeaZip provides write support - create new archive, and edit existing
ones adding files and/or directories - for following archive types:
7Z, FreeArc's ARC
WinRar is installed in the system), TAR, WIM,
creation of
plain split
files .001
(supported by 7-Zip/p7zip, HJSplit, and "split" Unix
creation of self
extracting archives, based on 7Z
or ARC standards - recipient will not need an extraction utility
strip + upx
compression, for executable files only
How to create a new
To add
files and
folders to a new archive, or
to edit existing archive,
you can:
Create new
archive from the
system's file
- select files
and folders and use
context menu
entry PeaZip > Add to archive to be prompted archive creation
screen, allowing to set archive format, compression settings, output
encryption (password protection), and other options.
- as alternative,
use system context menu
Add to
.ZIP or Add to .7Z in order to start archiving selected files /
directories without further
Create new
archive from
PeaZip main application
- select files and folders, and use Add or
button to be prompted archive creation screen
- as
alternative, drag and drop files and/or
folders from the
to an open

Archiving options
In the top part of the application window, PeaZip provides a file
explorer showing list of input files and folders set to be archived (archive layout):
rightclick on it for context menu to further
edit the list, and for showing
other input-related options.
context menu features controls
to add files & folders, drag to application from search results,
open bookmarked / recently visited paths (showing only directory
items), add bookmarked / recently used
files, load and save layout, and more...
Same menu is replicated clickingon the hamburger icon in the top right
corner of the application's window.
In the lower part of the application, Output control sets output
name and path, and its dropdown menu allows to quickly chose between
system paths, recently used and bookmarked paths.
How to create an
encrypted archive
Padlock icon on the right of
Output sets encryption
password, if supported by the chosen archive format; PeaZip can
create encrypted archives under following standards:

- 7Z with 7-Zip AES256 encryption
- ARC with FreeARC AES256, Blowfish,
Twofish256 and
- PEA with AES256
EAX authenticated encryption
- RAR4 AES128, and RAR5 AES256
- ZIP / ZIPX with WinZip AES256 AE, and ZipCrypto for
How to set archiving /
On the left (dropdown menus):
The first dropdown control sets
archive format; by default PeaZip is set to archive to ZIP
format, using optimized
7-Zip/p7Zip Deflate
implementation which provides improved compression ratio and keeps
compatibility with
third parts zip files utilities.
Following dropdown controls set compression
level (faster to higher - store option being the fastest but
provides no compression), action (create new or update existing
archive), and span archive in
multiple volumes - useful to meet maximum size requirements, i.e.
for email attachments.
On the right
Add each
object to a separate archive option create multiple
separate archives at once, one
for each file or folder in the input list.
Archive to original
overrides Output settings and create output archive(s) in same path of
the input data.
Convert existing
automate archive
conversion process, extracting existing archives before starting
archiving / compression
stage in order to optimize final compression - used with "Add each
object to separate archive" (active by default when "Convert" button is
clicked from PeaZip file browser) it converts single input items to
separate archives of the new format, otherwise consolidate all input
archives to a single output archive in the new format.
Delete files after
archiving send original data to recycle bin (default), quick non
recoverable deletion, or secure deletion.
Open output path
when task completes open the destination with system's default
file explorer.
Send by mail automate
creation of a new mail with output archive attached, if a supported
mail client is installed in the system.
TAR before
option consolidates input adding files into
in a single TAR
archive before the actual compression stage; this option is
automatically activated when applying a pure compression format, as
Brotli, BZ2, GZ, LPAQ, XZ, or Zstandard, to multiple input files.
Advanced options to
create archives
Above input layout area, below application's main menu, it is featured
the archiving tab bar.
Advanced tab provides format-specific features - compression passes,
dictionary sizes, alternative algorithms, solid compression, etc.
Script and schedule
archive creation
Console and Schedule
tabs can fine tune task definition beyond GUI capabilities, and save /
schedule the task
in the form of command line script.
Create a ZIPX archive with
PeaZip can create ZIPX files,
which are basically ZIP files allowing compression algorithms different
than Deflate / Deflate64, with the possible result of improved
compression ratio over creating
classic ZIP files.
Create a RAR archive with
PeaZip can also create RAR files,
but only if WinRar is found on same machines, because RAR compression
routines are encoubered by proprietary patents and cannot be freely
distributed as standalone Free Software.
Synopsis: How to
archive and compress data with PeaZip free archiver utility. Select
files and folders to add to archive. Set archiving and compression
options to create new 7Z, ARC, PEA, TAR, WIM, ZIP archives.
Topics: create new
archive with PeaZip, add files and folders to archive
PeaZip > FAQ
> How to create a new archive, compress files & folders to 7Z