To change
language, use main menu Options > Localization
PeaZip packages comes with multiple language files, and PeaZip
Translations repository on GitHub provide updated language files as
soon as they are provided by translators, for separate download.
To use additional translations, download the desired language file and
copy it in (peazip)/res/share/lang folder. PeaZip is usually installed
in C:\Program Files\PeaZip on Windows, or /usr/lib/peazip on Unix
Each x.y release entry on GitHub Translations repository contains
language file for a specific release, minor releases x.y.z share the
same text.
Language file name
is composed by two-letter
language code , i.e. "fr"
for French in fr.txt; if needed for
clarity it will be also added two-letter
country code i.e. "br"
for Brazil in pt-br.txt.
Please note that ".txt" extension of language files may be hidden by
default on some operating system, notably modern Windows versions.
Localize PeaZip
entries in
system's context menu
context menu and
SendTo menu items are localized independently from
the text of the main app.
On Windows systems (W7 and newer, using cascaded menu), changing
application language also automatically translates system
context menu
entries - which asks for user elevation if UAC is enabled in
the machine.
Windows 7+ context
menu entries are avaliable as .reg scripts in
(peazip)\res\share\lang-wincontext folder, and contributed translations
are in
Windows 11
mini-context menu entries are available as .reg scripts too,
in (peazip)\res\share\batch folder.
SendTo menu entries
are .lnk files (changing the link file name changes
the text in the SendTo menu entry) available in
(peazip)\res\share\batch folder, and contributed translations are in
Context menu entries for non-Windows systems are provieded as
(peazip)/res/share/batch subfolders, in form of .desktop files for Linux and BSD desktop environments (Cinnamon,
Gnome, KDE, Mate, XFCE...) and of Automator .workflow scripts for macOS.
Translating the text in the sample .desktop and .workflow scripts
allows to localize the context menu entries on those Operating Systems.
For Translators
Instructions about how to provide a translated language file is
provided in package, featured in subfolder.
Translations are covered by GFDL copyleft license, and can be sent to
support email address As alternative
method, language files can be directly updated on Git repository so
commits can be evaluated and merged in the online code base:
(language files)
(Windows 7+ context menu items)
How to provide or
a translation
Language files are UTF-8 with BOM encoded
text files which can be edited using any suitable text editor.
To create a new translation file you can:
1 - copy default.txt (in PeaZip's path in /res/lang subfolder) or any
other language file, if you prefer starting from another language, to a
new file;
2 - edit lines 2 to 6 of the document to enter language name (both in
English and in the original language for better readability), PeaZip's
version (major.minor) the translation is aimed to, translator's and
last last revisor's name and last revision date; IMPORTANT:
revision number must not be
specified alongside major.minor release number in 3rd line of language
files since
revisions shares the same text and are meant to deploy between-releases
updates, ie.e for bugfixing or for packaging additional translations or
3 -
the text after the
"variable_name: " part in
"=== PeaZip text group ===" AND "=== PeaLauncher text group ==="
sections of the file (don't move or remove lines, don't change the
"variable_name: " part);
4 - optionally, translate the mini-tutorial after "=== about text group
===" line (free editing, it is loaded and displayed "as is" as
application's mini-tutorial); it is very important to improve usability
of the program for non-English speaking users.
In PeaZip
Translations repository on GitHub you can find a package named
(in x.y release subdirectory) containing a spreadsheet file to help
in creating and maintaining localizations, simply compiling column D of
the spreadsheet.
IMPORTANT: the spreadsheet contains 3 pages, "PeaZip text group",
"PeaLauncher text group", and "About text group": all pages need to be
completed and pasted (column E, for first two pages) in the language
file; the "About text group" can be freely edited.
The spreadsheet shows variable name (column B), corresponding text
string in english (column C) and a blank, yellow column (D) for typing
the translated text strings.
On the right, a column E (blue) will show the "variable_name: " part
assembled with the translated string: the content of this area can be
copied and paste to replace the text in "=== PeaZip text group ===" and
"=== PeaLauncher text group ===" sections (the spreadsheet features TWO
pages, one for each of the two groups).
Lines must be pasted in the original order (it is sufficient to sort
them by column F).
After column F are featured all currently available translations, in
order to help translators more proficient in other languages than
Englis, and to help to spot out what localizations need to be updated.
At each version all language files are mass-updated, with missing text
lines in English; to update a localization, it's enough to update the
English text lines.
For a better result it is also recommended to check all the language
file to see if the update is coherent with linguistic style used by the
translator of the current version.
For languages spoken in different ways in different countries (i.e.
English, Spanish, Portuguese...) it is recommended to fork the
translation, creating i.e. en-us, pt-br etc
Default language file is default.txt
Translated language files
can be sent to me using the address,
to be evaluated for
inclusion in future updates and publication on PeaZip's Translations
All translated language files should be considered as released under
GFDL, GNU Free Documentation License, as they have to be considered
derivate work from the application's language file which is released
under GFDL.
In case no text is added with a new release of PeaZip, it is
recommended to, however, update the language files with the new version
number (third line) and to review the current translation for possible
improvements and fixes.
Synopsis: How to change
PeaZip language, and localize context menu on Windows, Linux, BSD, and
macOS. How to contribute a new translation, or maintain an existing
language file.
Topics: translations,
localize application, localize context menus
PeaZip > FAQ >
How PeaZip Translations work